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  • What is a locally-based POS system?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A locally-based point of sale (POS) solution means the POS system runs from a self-contained software program installed on one or more onsite POS terminals (PCs). The POS application does not require an always on Internet connection but Internet access would be required for credit card processing.
  • What is a web-based POS system?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A web-based POS solution means the POS system runs from a web-browser such as Internet Explorer and could be dependent on an always on Internet connection.
  • What is POS?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    POS is an acronym for Point of Sale which is in itself a shorter form of data capture at the point where a sale is made. The term came about as evolving computer hardware and software made it possible to capture the sale information at the time the sale was made.