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  • How do you get rid of a blister on your foot?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A small, unbroken blister about the size of a pea, even a blood blister, will usually heal on its own. Use a loose bandage to protect it. Avoid the activity that caused the blister. If a small blister is on a weight-bearing area like the bottom of the foot, protect it with a doughnut-shaped moleskin pad.
  • How do you stop a blister from hurting?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Here are some details to help you properly pop and care for your blister Use soap and water to thoroughly clean your hands and the blister. Gently rub the blister to see if it will pop. Rub a little antibiotic ointment on the area, then put a bandage over it.
  • How long does it take for a blister to heal?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Most blisters heal naturally after three to seven days and don't require medical attention. It's important to avoid bursting the blister, because this could lead to an infection or slow down the healing process. If the blister does burst, don't peel off the dead skin.