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  • Can hyperthyroidism cause anxiety?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Many of these symptoms overlap with the symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety may also cause increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, weakness and fatigue, as well as nervousness and irritability. However, there are other symptoms that make hyperthyroidism a much more likely diagnosis than an anxiety disorder.
  • How is essential tremor diagnosed?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A neurologist will do a complete physical examination based on the symptoms experienced and evaluate the family history. Neurological tests to rule out Parkinsons disease will also be done. The specialist will then ask the affected person to do basic tasks like holding a pen or a glass, drink from a glass, and stretch the arms. A common test conduc
  • Where can I learn about types of mental health treatment?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Mental health conditions are often treated with remedies, therapy or a combination of the two. However, there are many different types of treatment available, including complementary & alternative treatments, self-help plans, and peer support. Treatments are very personal and should be discussed by the person with the mental health conditions a