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What Is Inflammation?
When you think of arthritis, you think of inflammation. Inflammation is a process in which the body’s white blood cells and immune proteins help protect us from infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses.

In some diseases, however, the body’s defense system (immune system) triggers an inflammatory response when there are no foreign substances to fight off. In these diseases, called autoimmune diseases, the body’s normally protective immune system causes damage to its own tissues. The body responds as if normal tissues are infected or somehow abnormal.

What Diseases Are Associated With Inflammation?
Some, but not all types of arthritis, are the result of misdirected inflammation. Arthritis is a general term that describes inflammation in joints. Some types of arthritis associated with inflammation include:

1) Rheumatoid arthritis
2) Psoriatic arthritis
3) Gouty arthritis
4) Systemic lupus erythematosus

The most common form of arthritis called osteoarthritis (also known as degenerative arthritis) is a bit of a misnomer. It is not believed that inflammation plays a major role in osteoarthritis. Other painful conditions of the joints and musculoskeletal system that are not associated with inflammation include fibromyalgia, muscular low back pain, and muscular neck pain.

What Are the Symptoms of Inflammation?

The symptoms of inflammation include:

Joint swelling
Joint pain
Joint stiffness
Loss of joint function
Often, only a few of these symptoms are present.

Inflammation may also be associated with general “flu”-like symptoms including:
1) Fever
2) Chills
3) Fatigue/loss of energy
4) Headaches
5) Loss of appetite
6) Muscle stiffness

What Causes the Symptoms of Inflammation?

When inflammation occurs, chemicals from the body are released into the blood or affected tissues. This release of chemicals increases the blood flow to the area of injury or infection and may result in redness and warmth. Some of the chemicals cause a leak of fluid into the tissues, resulting in swelling. This process may stimulate nerves and cause pain.

What Are the Results of Joint Inflammation?

Increased blood flow and release of these chemicals attract white blood cells to the sites of inflammation. The increased number of cells and inflammatory substances within the joint can cause irritation, wearing down of cartilage (cushions at the end of bones), and swelling of the joint lining (synovium).

How Are Inflammatory Joint Diseases Treated?

There are a number of treatment options for inflammatory joint diseases including treatments, rest, exercise, and an operation to correct joint damage. The type of treatment written will depend on several factors including the type of disease, the person’s age, type of doses he or she is taking, overall health, clinical history, and severity of symptoms.

The goals of treatment are to:

1) Treat the underlying inflammatory disease and decrease inflammation
2) Relieve pain by treatments, activity modification
3) Maintain joint movement, muscle strength and overall function through physical therapy and exercise
4) Decrease stress on the joints by using braces, splints, or canes as needed

How Are Inflammatory Diseases Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of inflammatory joint diseases consists of all or some of the following:

1) Complete clinical history and physical exam with attention to the pattern of joint involvement
2) Evaluation of other symptoms besides joint symptoms
3) Results of X-rays, blood tests, and other studies

Can Inflammation Affect Internal Organs?

Yes. Inflammation can affect organs as part of an autoimmune disorder. The type of symptoms depends on which organs are affected. For example:

1) Inflammation of the heart (myocarditis) may cause vague chest pain or fluid retention.
2) Inflammation of the small tubes that transport air to the lungs (bronchiolitis) may cause shortness of breath.
3) Inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis) may cause high blood pressure or kidney failure.
4) Inflammation of the eye (iritis or uveitis) may cause pain or decreased vision.
5) Inflammation of the muscles (polymyositis) may cause achiness or weakness.
6) Inflammation of the blood vessels (vasculitis) may cause rash, headaches, or internal organ damage.

Natural Remedies for Joint Pain

1. Epsom Salt Soak

A classic remedy for any muscle or joint ache is taking a relaxing bath with Epsom Salts. High in magnesium and sulfates, Epsom salts are easily absorbed through the skin to provide quick relief as they lower inflammation, reduce muscle spasms and relax tense areas. Add two cups of salts to warm bathwater and soak for at least twenty minutes. Alternatively, Epsom Salts can be used in a compress to apply directly to the skin. Simply dilute two cups into one gallon of water then soak your towel for several minutes to absorb the solution.

2. Hot and Cold Packs
For immediate joint pain relief, rest the painful area and try a hot-and-cold approach to managing pain. Apply a hot therapeutic gel pack to the affected area for twenty minutes. Immediately follow up with a cold ice pack for another twenty minutes. If you can’t stand the severity of ice, let it thaw out while you are applying heat. Even a mildy-chilled pack will help bring relief to a stiff area. Try to apply ice or heat every day is possible, aiming for at least 15 minutes. Keep the area elevated if swelling is bad to reduce fluid retention.

3. Getting Enough Movement & Exercise

Stiff muscles due to inactivity can cause joint pain in the body or worsen conditions such as arthritis. For example, tension in the leg muscles can be responsible for added stress placed on the knees and hips, as weak muscles contributes to instability and higher risk for injuries or compensations. Regularly exercising can help strengthen and stretch the affected joints and muscles, improving circulation and often reducing pain.

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